The need in Broome County
I am Reverend Tim Page with Holy Church of Christ Inc. Binghamton, NY. I started Holy Church of Christ in 2021 so I could help with hunger and homelessness here in Broome County. I started a Food Pantry in my house this year, 2023 which I named after my Mom who passed in 2003. I call my pantry AUNT DOT’S CUPBOARD, FOOD PANTRY. My Mom taught all 5 of us boys to help others any way we can. She made clothes and other items for people that couldn’t afford to buy new. She baked almost every day and cooked plenty of food. My 2 brothers were in sports in school and brought their teams to our house to eat before games. My mom babysat and had us boys plus around 5 other kids in our yard at any given time. We always had barbaques in our yard and the whole town came by to join in. Chenango Forks where I grew up is almost gone now but back then it was a family town. Everyone was family even if you were’nt blood. All the kids called my Mom Aunt Dot, so I thought it appropriate to name the Food Pantry that. We were taught to give so others wouldn’t suffer. We didn’t realize we were poor too because my Mom made sure we had clothes, toys and plenty of food. She grew a garden every sommer and gave so much to others in town. I always believed in God and Jesus and went to Church with my brothers when I was small. I always wanted to be a Minister so I got ordained in 2016. I took online courses and recieved my Doctarate’s Degree in Divinity (the study od religion). I now am putting so much into the Food Pantry and haven’t had money to buy a building to start my church yet. My Food Pantry relies on donations and I buy what I can with my own money. I joined The Broome County Food Council as a Volunteer, helping share information on Food Insecurity and more in Broome County. This Council worked with SUNY BINGHAMTON STUDENTS to create a map of Broome County. This map lists all Food Pantries, Blessing Boxes, Shelters, Schools and other rescources in Broome County as well as all the Bus Routes. It can be found on ( I work with 2 other Independant Food Pantries to share Food and Information on our groups. The other 2 groups have Blessing Boxes also and 1 is expanding to more throughout the County. I’m working on one as well and it will be located infront of my house. Blessing Boxes are available 24/7. Our Food Pantries are operated by people reaching out to us and we schedual pickups and if available deliveries, depending on if there is a Volunteer available to deliver. We each have Facebook pages and Chat Groups. I also have a Facebook Group called Women in Need for only women to join to give and get support and help. I started a Facebook Page called Broome CountyHigh School Graduates during the pandemic and have run it every yaer since to highlight all the hard working Graduates in Broome. They are our future and deserve to be recognized for all their hard work. My goal is to have a building that houses my church, Food Panty, Thrift Store, Kitchen to serve meals, and eventually have rooms available for Homeless Vets to help them transition to jobs, services and housing as needed. I also want to open more Food Pantries under AUNT DOT’S Name throughout Broome County. My thrift store will have anything someone would need like furnature, beddings, dishes, etc. If someone can’t afford to buy items and is in desperate need I will give them what they need free. Well this is My Story and what I’m trying to do. Please feel free to look us up on Facebook and join our groups. Anyone in need of food or clothing or personal care items please call me at (607)727-1457 and please leave a message so I can get back to you. You can also reach out on my Facebook page (Timothy Page) or AUNT DOT’S CUPBOARD PAGE. God Bless and may all your needs be met, Reverend Tim Page